
Our Inner Map

Your head, heart, and belly are a map to inner wisdom

Each energy center holds both unique wisdom and our particular obstacles related to money. While we can focus attention on each of these centers and tap into their unique qualities, all of our bodily systems are intricately connected as one integrated whole.

The Academic


The Head center is the seat of our cognition, and it’s also how we typically relate to money: from the rational, thinking mind. The archetype of the Head is the Academic who develops wisdom, clarity, and vision.

The Philanthropist


The Heart center is our connection to others, to our generosity, to life. The archetype of the Heart is the Philanthropist who cultivates universal love for all beings. 

The Capitalist


The Belly is our anchor to wholeness — to pristine integrity, authentic confidence, and vast unceasing awareness. The archetype of the Belly is the Capitalist who embraces stability and confidence. 

Whole Body Wealth

Integrating All Three Centers

While we can focus attention on each of these centers and access their unique qualities; our head, heart, belly, and all of our bodily systems are intricately connected as one integrated whole. All Somatic Finance practices share the potential to bring these together, enhancing the truth or integrity of our wholeness: sufficiency.