
Work with Gayle

One-on-One Integral Wealth Coaching with Gayle Colman

Coaching is a common word used to describe a professional engagement between or among people. Variations of coaching today are as diverse as the species of fish that swim in the ocean, before we polluted our waters. Coaching with me is a sacred connection bound in the rigors and structure of Integral Coaching® and grounded in my seasoned career and expertise in financial services, decades of somatic training, and  lifelong personal and spiritual journeyall present to be worthy of serving and swimming with you.

I have coached hundreds of individuals and couples over twenty-plus years. Experience confirms that my genius-zone serves the precious lives of clients, with profound depth and wide horizons, going with love, joy and care to the places that trouble us the most, freeing the potentials held back by resistant fear.

Today, coaching with me is limited to a very few explorers who are ready, committed and willing to dive deeptouching the ocean floor. 

I can’t wait to meet you!

How It Works

About the Program

Sustainable embodied change requires commitment, rigor, curiosity, discipline, humor, courage and profound delight in being perfectly humanly flawed. Coaching with Gayle is a coaching engagement like no other. Here’s why.

Gayle’s genius is diving to the depths of the ocean where whales and darker mysteries abide. It is in this unknown and untapped space we are able to discover, explore, see through the crevices and gain valuable insight on what matters most to us, and how we can improve our connection to that truth. Gayle’s loving and keen attention in these depths with you is unshakable and unwavering. With her embodied money mastery combined with somatic expertise and abiding in unbounded awareness in these uncharted waters with her, you learn to find your breath, your stroke, and experience your powerful glide even while your brain says no way, we’ll drown!

Having coached hundreds of clients within an integral coaching methodology and been witness to the transformative progress for her clients, Gayle welcomes the privilege of working closely, deeply, and intimately with you. She recognizes the preciousness of our human life and that time in this physical form is limited. She doesn’t waste any energy or time skimming the surface. Plenty of coaches are available to assist with important matters that may not require the rigor and courage of plunging deep.

But for those who burn a beautiful belly quest, feel a whole-body yearning and ready to plunge, Gayle is your girl, your generous guide, your powerful partner, your playmate extraordinaire to wake up, grow up, clean up and show up for the benefit of what matters most to you.

Guiding Principles

A Path of Financial Integrity

Wealth is More Than Money

Whatever matters most to you is your true wealth. Your values and your passion hold the journey. Together we navigate new territory, uncovering and transforming your precious life, for meaning, passion, and purpose.

Money Isn't Separate

The issues you face around money mirror the issues and potentials you have in your life–self-worth, career, health, family, and more. Your relationship with money is a gateway to deep personal transformation.

Clean Up and Grow Up

Lifelong money debris is a portal to development. As we give attention to our money issues, we clean up obstacles and grow personally. Strengthening financial integrity strengthens our human experience.

Integral Coaching

What to Expect

  • You can expect clarity in the process by leaning into the scaffolding of strong structure.
  • You can expect generous communication in an impeccable space of integrity – listening, pointing to, holding, being with, abiding – right there with you.
  • You can expect to laugh, to cry, maybe growl – experiencing all feelings and emotions.
  • You can expect to engage all kinds of practices – most suitable for you, your growth, your topic.
  • You can expect – in the words of Brene’ Brown: Gayle’s soft front, strong back, and wild heart.
  • You can expect to be surprised and become friends with mystery and the unknown.
  • You can expect to embody new muscles, develop sustainable capacities to serve who you are and who you are becoming.

Topics most fitting for this intensive dive: 

  • Defining and mapping and championing your one wild and precious life.
  • Moving through life as a transition, fluidly and without attachment to ground.
  • Merging worth, service, money and matter.
  • Evolving the me to we, and we to me.
  • Clearing all of the debris, and becoming the vacuum for others.

Dive In

How It Works


Integral Coaching Intensives are a one-year engagement and $15,000 investment ($5,000 paid at the beginning of each four months).

Gayle combines three distinct areas of expertise to offer a rare exploration: of wealth, of self, and beyond with a groundbreaking (and heart healing) approach called Somatic Finance®

Integral Coaching®

Integral Coaching is the most comprehensive approach to personal exploration and evolution we have today. It brings together ancient wisdom and cutting-edge developmental models to honor your unique perspective and experience.

Financial Planning 

I’ve been a financial planning practitioner since 1983, and am co-founder of Colman Knight Advisory Group, LLC, offering Integral Wealth Advisory Services. This specialized capacity allows me to support you through the stickiest issues: money, finances, relationships, transitions, health, family, and more.

Spiritual Depth

There’s a unique freedom that occurs when you drop into the essence of who you really are as a precious human being. As a seasoned spiritual practitioner, I hold a peaceful space for you to access this liberation — through the portal of your embodied story.

Integral Coach® is a trademark from Canada for Integral Coaching Canada, Inc. and licensed to Gayle Colman.

Next Steps

Submit an Application

If you’re ready to choose sustainable change in your life and transform your relationship with money, apply for a one-on-one intensive coaching engagement today.