
Dive Deep & Splash Wide

Small-Group Somatic Finance Retreats & Workshops with Gayle Colman

Dive deep into the embodied practice of Somatic Finance as an engaged participant, in our small-group intensive residential and virtual retreats. Together, we explore the path of Somatic Finance through mindfulness practice, movement, writing, exercises, play, reflection, silly hats and stickers (yes, we must have stickers!) Through deep, joyful, and nourishing practice within a safe and potent container, we learn to embody a new kind of financial integrity, aligning money with our embodied knowing. 

Being a life-long learner in varied modes, I recognize and embrace the beauty and brilliance of group experiential growth and development. Yes, individual discovery is essential, and it happens. We also gather together with committed explorers to supercharge the energy and experience. We benefit from each other — the possibilities and results are an ecstatic surprise of our unique gathering.

In the mid-1980s I trained extensively as a volunteer in the Junior League of Boston as a Facilitator for both the Leadership and Development program, and nationwide leadership training for other leagues and organizations. Building on these principles over four decades in varied schools and multiple teachers: Kathlyn Hendricks, PhD of Hendricks Institute, Dan Brown, PhD of Pointing Out the Great Way, Reggie Ray, PhD of Dharma Ocean, co-founders Laura Divine and Joanne Hunt of Integral Coaching of Canada, Christina Baldwin of The Circle Way, Suzanne Kingsbury of Gateless Writing — has given me humbled confidence and a burning passion to grow together in circle, and to bring to you all that I have embodied through the benefit of skilled teachers, theories, teachings and dedicated practice.

Depending upon the season and reason, your training will be a unique and precious alignment for you. It may be in-person at a cottage on the ocean, or we may gather virtually, creating nourishing home spaces to allow powerful life integration. Our group may be as small as four or as large as twelve. Numbers matter less than your intention for accepting this invitation and the collective journey of the participants joining.

Write Your Money Story

We will learn to listen closely to the voices of our bodies. We will learn to love our money beliefs and patterns. We will learn to embrace our gorgeous wisdom. We will learn to expand our awareness. We will learn to access truth from the depths of our beings. We will activate our souls longing toward pure joy — making friends with ourselves and with other players on this beautiful human path.

You will be diving deep and splashing wide!

Please share your interest below by completing a “I am so curious” form. Then, we look forward to contacting you for a conversation.